Articles and Information

Family Health and Fitness Day falls on the last Saturday of every September.  The purpose of this day is to promote physical activity for families and to start creating healthy habits.  On this nationally recognized day, organizations throughout the country will host family-related health and fitness events in parks, schools, malls, health centers, hospitals and more.  Activities will be noncompetitive and may include walking events, low-impact exercises, health screenings, open houses, games and health information workshops.

What are some of the ways that you can promote family fitness in your family?  It may be as simple as a family walk, bike ride, outdoor games etc.  You don’t need to sign the whole family up for a gym membership.  Just keep moving!

Get the Free Be Active Every Day Guide– This two-page PDF handout features daily exercise strategies for kids and adults, along with discussions of screen time and the importance of consistent physical activity.

Get the Food and Health Free Family Activity Planner   This single page guide and checklist help you to plan family activities together.

The information contained in this Avenue 360 Web site is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment, and Avenue 360 recommends consultation with your Avenue 360 doctor or health care professional.