

Convenient pharmacy access and support.

Our phone number has changed. Please call: (281) 214-2147 and we will be happy to serve you.

The Class A pharmacy at Avenue 360 Health & Wellness works with the clinical medical team to ensure patients are receiving the highest quality care. Our pharmacy provides:

  • Reduced-cost medications for underinsured and uninsured patients
  • Medication counseling, including proper use and adverse effects
  • Patient assistance from pharmacists
  • ADAP prescription drug program
  • Prescription pick-up reminders
  • 24/7 online prescription management
  • Prescription delivery. Patients can pick up their prescriptions at the clinic location (Humble, Spring Cypress, Southwest, and Memorial City) where they saw their doctor on Tuesdays and Thursdays after 3 p.m. Controlled substances are not included.